Tuesday 6 September 2011

Marcus, its your father: Gears of War 3 preview

Theres not much time left until the official release of Gears of War 3. If you read my previous post you will know that I have already ordered myself a copy of the Limited edition and am waiting eagerly to claim it.

Anya Stroud
For those "special" people who don't know about Gears of war please let me explain: Gears of war is a third-person shooter video game developed by epic games and published by microsoft. Gears of war 3 will be the final installment of the current story arc and is exclusive to Xbox 360. For those of you who know what I'm talking about let me explain. Gears of war 3 is set 18 months after the fall of Jacinto (which was the conclusion to Gears of War 2) on the island of Vectes where the remnant of Jacinto moved to rebuild. The game will feature a four player co-op for the first time in the series and will resume the control of the main protagonist Marcus Fenix but will at certain parts of the game take control of other characters. The will also feature new characters such as Anya Stroud, Samantha Byrne, Jace Stratton etc. In addition to these new characters is Clayton Carmine brother of Ben and Anthony from the previous 2 games. For those who played any previous Gears of war you should know that both Ben and Anthony died. To decide on the fate of Clayton Carmine Epic games hosted a voting campaign to let us decide if Carmine should live or die by means of avatar item purchases. 2 Avatar shirts were released for purchase, 1 with the words: Carmine must die another one saying: Save Carmine. We will see the outcome of the votes in Gears of war 3.

Clayton Carmine

Gears of war is probably one of my all time favorite third person shooters for the Xbox 360 and Gears of war 3 is going to raise the bar in the series once again. Gears of war 3 has made over one million pre-orders and is currently one of the most anticipated games of 2011. The games is said to have an awesome multiplayer variety such as beast mode and horde 2.0. Horde 2.0 is the new version of horde mode from Gears of war 2 but instead is to be far more strategic. Players will find an area to hold as their command post and battle powerful waves of locust horde. Players earn money for kills which can be used to build or upgrade defense or even buy back in if the player is killed. Also every tenth wave players will have to battle a locust boss which can be either a bersker, brumak etc. There will be other multiplayer choices nut horde 2.0 is probably one of most anticipated amongst the various multiplayer types.

The single player is to be longer than the previous 2 games and is to have a far deeper storyline which will answer the majority of question in the game. The game will feature a level up system which will allow you to gain XP for playing the game (XP can also be gained through single player campaign) this allows players to reach higher ranks and earn achievements asscosiated with the level up system.
In all fairness this game is looking to be really bad ass.

To conclude I would just like to state that this game is looking to be one of the best games of 2011. I will post a review after I claim my Limited edition, which is probably 2 weeks or so. But you dont need a review to know the game is going to be good, because it Gears of war. Peace people!

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