Monday 3 October 2011

Charged with abduction: Videogame Damsels in Distress

Theres nothing better than a damsel in distress who needs saving. We are all most probably familiar with the term and the concept of a Damsel in distress, its when a female character is in desperate need of rescueing by a male protagonist. The first known appearance of this concept was Donkey Kong that featured a damsel in distress known as Pauline. Pauline hasn't in many games as a damsel in distress but instead the more iconic Princess Peach took over and has been the damsel in distress numerous times.

Games that feature Damsels in distress are Conan: Where you find topless women chained up and you have to rescue them, and doing so gives you extra bonuses in the game. Batman Vengeance: an old title in which you have to rescue a tied up damsel named Mary Flynn as part of the story. Wild wild Train: An Iphone app where you operate train systems and at certain stages have to rescue Damsels on the train tracks. There are still plenty more games with the Damsel in distress concept but not many are renown for this concept.
Betty Bux from Wild wild Train

The idea of a Damsel in distress in games is by far one of my favourite concepts and I strongly believe that there should be more of this idea in new gaming ideas. In some games like Fable 3 or Bulletstorm you get an achievement for rescuing a damsel in distress but however they dont pull off the whole damsel in distress thing well. This is because in Fable you rescue a cardboard figure as part of a dungeons and dragons rip-off and in Bulletstorm the person you rescue didnt seem to be in much danger to begin with.

One game however featured a similar idea towards the Damsel in distress idea but instead of being the hero and having to rescue anyone in distress, you got the chance to Kidnap anyone you wanted by the means of a lasso. The game Im refering to is Red Dead Redemption one of Rockstars best games and one of my ALL TIME favourite games. The whole idea of a lasso and being to hogtie any victim you wanted was just an awesome idea in gaming. To add to this you also get an achievement for commiting a classic peril to a hogtied woman, all you have to do is place a hogtied woman on the train tracks and watch her get run over by a train.

I think game developers should create more games with Damsels in distress, and they should do it properly like Red dead redemption did.

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